Contract Opening Note from Heather Gray

Dear Kroger Ohio Valley Associate:

We are proud of your hard work, dedication, and commitment to providing an exceptional and uplifting shopping experience for our customers every day. Our customers tell us daily how grateful they are for all of you. We sincerely thank you for what you have done and continue to do to help Kroger Columbus win!

We are starting negotiations on your contract with UFCW Local 1776ks, and we know how important this is to you. It’s also very important to us and to the entire Columbus Division.

Our goal for this contract negotiation is to reach an agreement that invests in your wages, continues to provide affordable health care benefits and a pension for your retirement, and keeps groceries affordable for the Ohio Valley communities we serve.

During the negotiations process we will share transparent and timely bargaining updates. Here’s how you can find the information you need as soon as it’s available. To stay informed, you can:

  • Attend store huddles where your store management team will share timely updates.
  • Visit on your mobile device or computer.
  • Share your questions about negotiations with your Store Leader. We will make sure to get answers to your questions as soon as possible.

Thank you for making a difference! We appreciate all you do for our customers and stores.

Heather Gray
Human Resources Leader
